My Final Project
Project one
My Final Project is about Anti Theft Detector Door. I found this device/system will help more in Bhutan to protect there own house and area, more over I would like to install this device and promote our Bhutanese door with auto system Detector
As our country bhutan is a developing country as many shops,school and residence are connected with CCTV Camera through LAN Cable for there security purpose. So every year people in bhutan struggle to handel with theft and unknown people who use to do something wrong. so i have come up with this idea to implement here and make sure to use it in a good way. I have also search and watch this youtube link to learn more ideas. And also during pre-fab academy i have learn how to design it and to do program with Fab Lab staff.
This project was done in pre-fab academy and successfully installed in our president house. So with Zina and Ricko we have done final project review on 13/02/2023, from there they have suggest me more ideas to build up my design and upgrade final project.
So with that finally, I through to use a face recognition door lock system using ESP32 cam for my project.

Materials Required
Presentation Slide

Presentation Video
How Do It Works??
In this ESP32 CAM i will make the smart door lock system with the help of Telegram app,so as soon as door bell rings, telegram will send the message and will received the photo form the esp32cam. As soon as the photo received form the ESP32-cam to telegram, will send the message form telegram to unlock/lock the door.
weekly rapid prototyping session
This week we were given 2 hour for final rapid prototyping session in our lab, so we were ask to design our final project with the help of using cardboard.
So after your design is done within 2 hour, we were ask to do present our model to what we learnt and how our components would fit into the model.
Here i have design what i thought but after presenting my module, Rico mention me to design wires layout and how to fixed the camera position in my module.

The idea behind my project is making something that can help to all the house owners of bhutan and to make more smart door system in our country. Therefore, I chose to use the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
This license allows other people to create and edit my final project but doesn’t allow anyone to make profit. However I like the fact that I must be given credit by those who may add on or adapt my project.

Fab Academy 2023 it was exciting and very challenging fro me and during this journey I have learn more on fabrication and how it can be used to create more design and project. I also learn about many tools and machine technologies to be used and how to operate. My final project has been also completed from the Final Project Perspective. More on this I will take a advantage to make more useful in my country and will take this project as a future project to work on.
First of all I would like to thank the President of College of Natural Resources and Mr.Kencho Wangdi (FabLab Engineer) for selecting me to be a part of Fab Academy Training 2023 and also to Royal Society for Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (RSSTEM) for sponsoring me. I also want to thank our local instructor mam Zina and Mr.Rico for teaching and supporting in ths journey. Finally goes to all the Fab Academy colleagues.
Final Project Work
1. 2D & 3D Printing/CNC Machine/Laser Cutter Machine